
Normal porosity hair – what does it need? A few words about hair oiling.

Normal porosity hair is neither healthy nor very well-kept.
Neither in good, nor in bad condition.
Neither thick, nor thin.
Neither dry, nor moisturized…

hair-care.jpgGenerally, normal porosity hair looks healthily – it is easy to style but isn’t frizzy and keeps volume.

At first sight, it seems alright.

Sadly, if you provide normal porosity hair with improper care, it will start to get dry, brittle and damaged.

The list of damaging treatments is endless: strong sunlight, heat of the dryer, flat iron, rubbing with a towel, pulling with a hair tie, tight hairstyles, stress, pharmaceuticals, smoking cigarettes, improper choice of cosmetics.

That is why, even normal porosity hair, which seems healthy, needs intensified care and conditioning. You provide your hair with such care if you perform hair oiling with natural and well-chosen oils 2-3 times a week.

What does hair oiling consist in?

To put it briefly, it is applying an oil to the hair and to the scalp. The oil works like a mask or compress. The difference is that the oil penetrates deep into hair bulbs and skin tissues where it nourishes hair inside, providing it with healthy growth and regeneration. There is no mask or conditioner which brings such conditioning.

You leave on the oil on hair longer than in case of a mask – minimum one hour. It would be perfect if you could leave it on for the whole night. Then, you simply wash it away with a delicate shampoo in the morning.

Which oils are suitable for normal porosity hair?

You need to choose an oil carefully to provide hair with the best repair. Not every oil suits every hair type. Normal porosity hair likes semi-penetrating oils most. Semi-penetrating oils have medium-sized particles. They are abounding in omega-7 and omega-9 monounsaturated acids. Only these oils will provide hair with proper care. Semi-penetrating oils include: almond, peanut, macadamia, sesame, olive and argan oils.